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I read all the time.  I think most writers do.  It’s my go to relaxation activity, it’s my way of finding out about myself and the world that is not me.  I’m a two novels a week boy, unless it’s a splendidly commodious Victorian novel that I can bathe in for, oh I don’t know, a week. I read genre novels, literary fiction and most printed things. Put in some short stories, a lot of poetry, memoirs and two daily newspapers and that can be a lot of reading.

But I don’t watch television and apart from the odd film my soundtrack is Radio 3 or Radio6Music.  This means I can read in any spare corner of the day.

In November I put up a review of Reuben Lane’s splendid booklet, ‘Freedom of Movement’ as my latest news, and found myself writing another for the fabulous poetry of John McCullough in his collection, ‘Reckless Paper Birds’.  It appears in the recent addition to my website, ‘Books I’ve Been Reading’ lurking under ‘Latest News’ .

I’d love to hear your recommendations too.

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